by Peter Llewellyn | May Mon 2017 | Blog
Yep – many is the time I have uttered the phrase “I’m gonna shoot that Bl#*!%%& dog”, especially on returning to the kitchen to find that once again my darling little Springer Spaniel had managed to get food off the counter top. The...
by Peter Llewellyn | Nov Sun 2016 | Blog, Equipment, Latest images, Photography tips, Sports
Recently while covering the World Junior Taekwondo Championships I was approached by someone asking what my ‘camera settings’ were. I quickly rattled off what I was using “1/1250sec, f2.8. at 4000ISO set manually”. The gentleman replied I must...
by Peter Llewellyn | Aug Fri 2016 | Blog, Sports
As the 2016 Olympics in Rio draws to a close I have been following with great interest images made by my colleagues- Facebook, Instagram, web sites and the press are full of great shots. This is the first Olympics since 1992 when I have not been in attendance,...
by Peter Llewellyn | Jun Sun 2016 | Blog, Equipment, Latest images, Photography tips
Since being back in British Columbia we have had our hummingbird feeders out and have seen more of these mini wonders than in any previous year. We have been filling the feeders every day and if we are a little late the birds soon mob us as soon as we go outside and...
by Peter Llewellyn | Nov Wed 2015 | Blog
Every now and again I do a quick Google Images search to see which of my images are being used in various media around the world. It gives me a really good idea of what types and styles of images are in demand and I can then ensure that I include a good selection of...
by Peter Llewellyn | Oct Mon 2015 | Blog, Latest images, Nikon, Photography tips, Sports
Many years ago, long before we ever came to live in North America, my wife Jean and I were sitting in a restaurant in Houston Texas having a meal while en-route to cover another major sports event. A nearby TV was showing the baseball play-offs games and it was...
by Peter Llewellyn | Sep Thu 2015 | Blog, Equipment, Nikon, PanAm Games 2015
Throughout the PanAm Games I had, as my constant companion, a Nikon 1 V3 mirrorless camera along with a 10-30mm lens and FT1 lens adaptor, courtesy of Nikon Canada. This camera boasts an 18megapixel 1″-type sensor with no AA filter (offering a multiplication... by Peter Llewellyn | Aug Sun 2015 | Blog, Equipment, PanAm Games 2015, Sports, Workshops and field trips
Ok, I know, this blog has been pretty stagnant over the past 12 months. A little thing called the PanAm Games and my role in making it the best PanAm’s for photographers kind of got in the way. Well, I am officially no longer the Photo Chief for the Games, the...