World Cup at the Velodrome

World Cup at the Velodrome

This weekend was the UCI World Cup Track Cycling at the Olympic Velodrome, the latest in the series of test events. Now I like to ride my bike – a road bike to be sure. There’s nothing quite like coming down a decent hill, the wind ripping away at your...

New Olympic Test Event Series

The next of the Olympic Test Event series is now well underway. The past week has seen the boxing, fencing and table-tennis events running in London’s Excel Centre, their home next year when the Games start. The Table Tennis test was performed us part of the...
Beach Volleyball and BMX

Beach Volleyball and BMX

Although some might describe both of these sports as ‘extreme’ it would be for vastly different reasons! I guess that for some the mode of dress of the competitors in the Beach Volleyball might well be considered extreme. That’s not the only thing...