New Workflow with Capture One

New Workflow with Capture One

As many of you that have followed my admittedly intermittent blog postings will know, I was extremely disappointed when Apple dropped development of their professional imaging program back in 2014, forcing a move to Adobe Lightroom. At the time there really was, in my...

Nature Conservancy Top 100

The 2017 Nature Conservancy Council photography competition attracted over 33,000 entries from 141 countries. I am honoured to announce that my entry below has been awarded a place in the top 100 entries to go forward for final judging. This includes a peoples’...
Lady in red

Lady in red

Several people have asked how I produced the ‘Lady in Red’ photos recently posted to my Instagram account. Here are the steps I use in Photoshop. Choose a photo that will convert well to black and white but which has a small area of a vibrant colour...