One month in Toronto

Well it’s now been a month since I arrived in Toronto and finally the weather has started to improve. Got to take a walk around my new neighborhood this morning with just a sweater and no jacket! I have now moved into my permanent residence here, a loft in the...
PanAm Games, Photo Manager

PanAm Games, Photo Manager

It’s been 18 months since I completed my stint as the Deputy Photo Manager at the London 2012 Olympics, and since then I have continued to run a few workshops, and shot a few commissions here and there. The time has come to get back into Photo Management and so...
Bear Photography Workshop – 8 November

Bear Photography Workshop – 8 November

Leaving Nanaimo at 6.00 am on Friday 8 November for what would prove to be the last bear photography workshop for this year, I must admit to some trepidation as the weather forecast was not really that great, and I anticipated a rather wet and gloomy day on the west...

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013

Results have now been released for the 2013 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards, run by the British Natural History Museum and sponsored by BBC Worldwide. Now in it’s 49th year it is regarded as the premier competition for of it’s kind in the world...
NIK Software – latest information

NIK Software – latest information

Many photographers, myself included, have included various aspects of the Nik software suite of tools in their regular workflow. I have regularly used Viveza, and Sharpener Pro. I have never bothered with other parts of the Nik offering, mainly because I felt I would...